Border Collie Rules!

Border Collie Rules!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

John Nash. Mad or genius

Hello people well, I had chance to talk about the person that I admire. This decision was very hard why I don't had clear who are the person that really I admire.
I had decide between many people but finally I thought that this person should be important for my carrer and a good example to the life.
The Person that I admire is the economist and professor Jonh Nash.

John Forbes Nash Jr. was born on June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia. His father were an electrical engineer and his mother worked as a school teacher before marrying her husband. John was brought up in a loving household that nurtured his genius. It was apparent at an early age that he liked to work independently, often playing alone.
In his senior year of high school, John won a coveted Westinghouse scholarship, one of only ten awarded in the nation. He went to the Carnegie Institute of Technology and, in 1948, graduated with a Master's degree after only three years. Although he had originally planned to study chemical engineering, he quickly discovered a love for mathematics and changed his major. His advisor wrote a recommendation for him saying "This man is a genius".
John rarely attended class, insisting that it would ruin his originality. He constantly walked through the hallways whistling Bach's "Little Fugue" and rode his bicycle in a figure-eight or infinity symbol in the quadrangle on campus.

He has done very importants studies about economy and mathematics, his major works was: "Equilibrium points in N-Person Games", 1950, Proceedings of NAS;
"The Bargaining Problem", 1950, Econometrica; "A Simple Three-Person Poker Game", with L.S. Shapley, 1950, Annals of Mathematical Statistics. "Non-Cooperative Games", 1951, Annals of Mathematics; "Two-Person Cooperative Games", 1953.

He recived the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists.
He began to show signs of extreme paranoia and his wife later described his behavior as erratic, as he began speaking of characters who were putting him in danger. Nash seemed to believe that there was an organization chasing him, in which all men wore red ties
He was the subject of the Hollywood movie "A Beautiful Mind". The film, loosely based on the biography of the same name.

When I saw the movie " A beautiful mind", I liked this dude, why he was a genius and mad, but in his condition, many people with any desease in a bit time surrender, but Jonh never was do it, he could and he can follow with his life. He was a fighter, and I think that he is the best example to fighter, and don't see to back.