Border Collie Rules!

Border Collie Rules!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My ideal job

Hello people:

In this time I talk you about my ideal job, well when I started the university in my mind had one idea, my dream, my ideal job. In this moment I liked so much the exotic animals, and I think that this area was interesting and incredible. In the first year the university in the introduction of medicine veterinary subject we had a visit the must important person for all the people and my dreams, this dude was the doctor zoo in a television program, and the buinzoo owner the must beautiful the nation your name are Ignacio Indalzoaga. In those opportunities I decided job in one zoo, and follow my dream in the care exotic animals.

Everypeople had a favorite job, but bit people can riche this, the important is never leave go their dreams, and made reality. My favorite job it's the exotic animals veterinary, I like care the health exotic animals, there are many people many veterinarians that travel to world, visiting different place the world, see the different species and meeting the world. I like so much this job why is very exciting, really I will very happy travelling for the world, all the place will be my job office. I could help many animals, I had study many animals species, I will have much knowledge about the all animals. I could catch the wild animals, and see and care him.
The only person that I want together with me in my job, and will be the my partner, only one person that follow me in everyplace (my wife). Inspired in the doctor Zoo, I will study that all animals exotic, I will make research, for help the animals that is in extinction danger.
I will try continue with the idea all the documental the persons that travel to the world and explain the severe that is no respect the animals life, and the ecology, further with my work I’ll be try the person that promote the good deal animals, and this I will make me feel very happy and successful.
Bye see you

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favorite subject

Hello my dear people
In this time I will write about the my favorite subject. Really it's very hard this choice fo me, why, I don't have very clear what is it? well in the first year, don't had any subject that I really loved, but in this year, in second, I liked more than one. I think so the animal behavior is very interesting, had a little of all, in this subject you can see many animals, and learn about how and what, make at the animals so especial.
The must beautiful of this subject is that can be learn the diferent skills that have the animals and understand why the animals make what they make. when I went the first class that animal behavior, I hear whit may atention and I liked so much, why in this moment I unberstand that in the future I would be work in something, related this area.
when I had enter in the university, I liked the psicology, in my free time I think about the people, I saw what they made, and I think why the people make the things which is their motivation. I questioned every things. usually my family questioned me what was a study and I answered animal psicology. the when I know that have this subject I back to say I really can be study animal psicology, but the real name is animal behavior or etology.

see you in the next life

Thursday, June 10, 2010

John Nash. Mad or genius

Hello people well, I had chance to talk about the person that I admire. This decision was very hard why I don't had clear who are the person that really I admire.
I had decide between many people but finally I thought that this person should be important for my carrer and a good example to the life.
The Person that I admire is the economist and professor Jonh Nash.

John Forbes Nash Jr. was born on June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia. His father were an electrical engineer and his mother worked as a school teacher before marrying her husband. John was brought up in a loving household that nurtured his genius. It was apparent at an early age that he liked to work independently, often playing alone.
In his senior year of high school, John won a coveted Westinghouse scholarship, one of only ten awarded in the nation. He went to the Carnegie Institute of Technology and, in 1948, graduated with a Master's degree after only three years. Although he had originally planned to study chemical engineering, he quickly discovered a love for mathematics and changed his major. His advisor wrote a recommendation for him saying "This man is a genius".
John rarely attended class, insisting that it would ruin his originality. He constantly walked through the hallways whistling Bach's "Little Fugue" and rode his bicycle in a figure-eight or infinity symbol in the quadrangle on campus.

He has done very importants studies about economy and mathematics, his major works was: "Equilibrium points in N-Person Games", 1950, Proceedings of NAS;
"The Bargaining Problem", 1950, Econometrica; "A Simple Three-Person Poker Game", with L.S. Shapley, 1950, Annals of Mathematical Statistics. "Non-Cooperative Games", 1951, Annals of Mathematics; "Two-Person Cooperative Games", 1953.

He recived the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists.
He began to show signs of extreme paranoia and his wife later described his behavior as erratic, as he began speaking of characters who were putting him in danger. Nash seemed to believe that there was an organization chasing him, in which all men wore red ties
He was the subject of the Hollywood movie "A Beautiful Mind". The film, loosely based on the biography of the same name.

When I saw the movie " A beautiful mind", I liked this dude, why he was a genius and mad, but in his condition, many people with any desease in a bit time surrender, but Jonh never was do it, he could and he can follow with his life. He was a fighter, and I think that he is the best example to fighter, and don't see to back.